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My Story

Kelli Hawkins is the Founder/CEO of Just Sass-e Foundation, has always been an entrepreneur and community leader. Starting in 2002 with her business as an in-home daycare provider, to her dance troupe, to her current brand, Just Sass-e, Kelli has built from the ground up, businesses that have a positive impact on women and children, within the community.  Kelli’s creativity inspires her, and this along with her sharp wit is the driving force behind the success and growth that the Just Sass-e brand has experienced over the years. With the Just Sass-e growth, Kelli decided to close the doors of her daycare and for the past 8 years has chosen to focus solely on her Just Sass-e brand. 



Kelli’s brand, Just Sass-e Customs now includes custom creations for individuals and businesses, event planning, hosting expos, and an amazing give-back program.  Just Sass-e works closely with women-owned businesses and the community with her custom creations, hosting events and expos, and most importantly the Sass-e Big Sister Mentorship Club.  While there are many accolades surrounding her Just Sass-e brand, one of her most treasured accomplishments is that one of her events, The Full Figured and Sass-E Expo (FFSE) which is now in its 8th year of production, is one of the biggest plus size events in Phoenix, AZ.  Kelli appreciates being accepted in the plus-size community, and all the love that the FFSE has received through the years and is grateful that she has been able to provide this platform to uplift and empower women and businesses in the community.


The Full Figured Expo helped birth the vision for the Just Sass-e Foundation. This organization helps black and brown plus size, curvy and full figured girls and teens in the community to build self-confidence, promotes body positivity and encourage entrepreneurship. Sass-e Big Sisters Mentorship Club will have workshops with topics that will help with positive body image, enhance academic achievement, support mental health and emotional wellness, and encourage healthy lifestyles.


The years of passion and dedication Kelli has shown while working with the women, teens and girls in our community is unsurpassed and will continue to flow into her nonprofit Just Sass-e Foundation.

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